Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
Notice of submission of the Chichester Local Plan 2021 to 2039
Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the above regulations, that Chichester District Council submitted the Chichester Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Levelling up, Housing and Communities on 3 May 2024
The Local Plan submission documents, supporting documents and evidence can be viewed on the council’s website at:
The following submission documents can also be viewed at Chichester District Council Offices, East Pallant House, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1TY during normal opening hours: 09.00 – 16.00 Monday to Friday
- Chichester Local Plan 2021-39: Proposed Submission (Jan 2023)
- Submission Policies Map- Schedule of Proposed Changes(Jan 2023)
- Sustainability Appraisal and Non-Technical Summary (Jan 2023)
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (Jan 2023)
- Duty to Cooperate: Statement of Compliance (April 2024)
- Statement of Consultation (Regulation 22 (c)) (April 2024) and
- Council’s suggested modifications schedule with appendices (April 2024).
The Chichester Local Plan will now be subject to an independent examination conducted by a Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. This is a continuous process running from the date of submission through to receipt of the appointed Planning Inspector’s Report. Once confirmed, details relating to the examination process will be advertised, made available online and sent to all respondents.
To assist the Planning Inspector through the examination, an independent Programme Officer has been appointed. The Programme Officer works on behalf of the Inspector to organise and manage the administrative and procedural matters of the examination and will be responsible for any communication with respondents during the examination. The Programme Officer’s contact detail are:
Kerry Trueman, Chichester Local Plan Examination, Pendragon House, 1 Bertram Drive, Meols, Wirral, CH47 0LG
Telephone: 07582 310364
Please note that this is not an opportunity to make further representations. The Programme Officer will contact representors if the Inspector wants them to submit further material or take part in specific hearing sessions.
Notice Date: 03/05/2024