If anyone in the Parish is short of food we should be very pleased to help you. We are able to help in two ways.
We have our own small locally operated Food Bank in our villages and we can put together some supplies and deliver them to you.
In addition, the Trussell Trust operate a Foodbank in Petworth and will also deliver food to you. However, before you contact them you need to get a voucher to authorise the supply. These are available from Janice Taylor, the Licensed Lay Minister for our Church, (see details below) or, if your child is at Plaistow and Kirdford Primary School, you can get vouchers from the Headteacher there. Once you have the vouchers you can contact the Petworth Foodbank via mobile 07501 921617 weekdays between 9am – 5pm.
The contact point for both schemes is Janice Taylor, the Licensed Lay Minister for our Church. Her Home tel. no. is 01483 200464 or Mobile no. 07398 247562 and her email is All contact will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Please be reassured that during the Coronavirus food will be delivered to your home with no human contact.
We hope that no-one is short of food – but if you are – PLEASE CONTACT US. Also, if you know of anyone who may need some support, but may not see this notice, please could you make the details known to them. Everyone can have a crisis, particularly now – so please let us help.
If anyone would like to help maintain the supplies in our foodbank, we would be very grateful for donations. These can be made via the collection baskets in both Village Stores or, for monetary donations, please call Carolyn Mudford 01403 871241 or email for more information of how to do this. If you prefer you can send a cheque payable to “PCC Kirdford” to her at Todhurst, Plaistow, West Sussex, RH14 0PY. Please write ‘Foodbank’ on the back of the cheque. Thank you.